

Monday, November 3, 2008


Aghor kuti

From the ancient times, the intellectuals and the learned people like sages, rishis etc lived away from the society and their residence were referred to as Ashram. Princes and the sons of rich and the influential people were sent to these ashrams for learning. But the Guru or the sages imparted their knowledge only to the worthy ones.“Aa” + “Shram” = “Ashram.” “Aa” means “come” and “shram” means “labour.” That is, one must labour hard to gain the knowledge. Ashram has been the gift to the human society by the great and the noble souls. It is the place where one should learn how to meditate than do the actual meditation. It is important to learn to do things correctly than simple imitation.Ashram actually is the outer (circumference) surroundings of the guru’s inner mental state. There resides the main energy and the most desirable object. There is always the presence of the guru in the symbol of knowledge and meditation. It’s the powerhouse of the energy. Ashram is such a pious and sacred place that its food, water, fruits and even its flowers scent is capable of arousing the spiritual energy of the living beings from its sleepy state. The Guru’s soul is found in the each and every particle of the ashram. To observe the rules and the regulations of the ashram, and to help and serve in the needy places of the ashram administration is the main duty of the followers of the Aghoreshwar.So ashram is the place where the base of the human mental state is established for further learning. Good human thoughts are developed in the ashram. Ashram teaches about both religious and spiritual behaviour. After mastering that only human life’s ideals, character and behaviour can be developed. The person who has received the proper education only can make his life happy, and fulfil the real objectives of the human life.So in order to become a better human being, a person has to keep the non discrimination view to understand the depth of the knowledge of the Ashram. By removing the discrimination about Brahman, Kshetri, Vaishya, Shudra, rich, poor etc. one can lead a peaceful life and understand the importance of the human life. Aghors achieved many types of siddhi, enlightenment, because of their better inner qualities and they continuously utilise their siddhi for the betterment of the society.The place where the great souls like aghor sadhak or any yogi (mahatma) or a tapasvi do yoga or sadhana, and penance to achieve the enlightenment or mokchha; becomes sacred enough for worshipping the gods and goddesses, can also become a siddhapith to achieve siddhi by the blessings of the Guru. The ashrams of the famous sages and rishis of the Vedic age became the centres for learning and meditation.Ashrams of famous rishis and sages have been described in both epics Ramayan and Mahabharata. The princes and ordinary people went to the ashrams for acquiring knowledge and also to learn the art of warfare and use of various weapons. During the time of Gautam Buddha the ashrams were known as bihar where vichhu, vichhumee (monks and nuns) were taught good behaviours, rule and regulations, and spent their life. Ashrams and the bihars have been established for the universal welfare and the benefit.To clean the (“tapo bhumi”) ashram area is to cleanse our negative thoughts and sentiments. To water the plants and to apply fertilizers and look after the trees of the ashram means to make you grow healthy and spiritually like the plants. Guru might not be present physically but the micro state of his presence can be always felt. So Guru’s aasan (seat) has to be equally respected as the guru’s physical body. Ashram is the place where one achieves enlightment by using the spiritual knowledge and the proper guidance in performing correctly the religious rites and rituals, worship and meditation or sadhna.

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